On the 16th September I did an online webinar with the Southbank Rotary club. The main points I made were that I really believe the crisis of our time is in the way we're thinking. I feel like our ability to consume and process information with good, evidence based critical thinking has been lost to opinion based rhetoric and angry, dogmatic voices.
For those in attendance I promised a list of useful resources to explore how we should be thinking differently about our education system, embracing systems thinking and looking at how organisations can shift themselves to be come learning organisations.
Tony Wagner - Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change The World
Warren Berger – A more beautiful question
Ken Robinson – TEDX talks on creativity in education
Alain de Botton – School of Life www.theschooloflife.com
ideo – https://www.ideou.com (design thinking courses)
Nice White Parents – podcast by NYTimes journalist Chana Joffe-Walt
System Thinking – https://thesystemsthinker.com
Carol Dweck – Growth Mindset www.ted.com/speakers/carol_dweck